Friday, September 5, 2008

Shining City on the hill

After navy academy and a law degree in Sweden, I ventured out to South America, Buenos Aires for one year. After that I went to American graduate school, Thunderbird, which brought me to be an international trader world wide, mainly in steel products. I have travelled the world for thirty years, I have lived in South America, United States, Europe and Middle East. I have found that the people I have met on the way, wants the same thing as we all. Security and economical base, which gives them an option to pursue a better life through education for their families. The more I travelled, the more tolerant and patient I became. But it also sharpened my views, regarding what it is the actual truth and what it important in politics. Particularly the American politics. You will hear here things, which you never hear in swedish media or for that matter in many European capital cities. My view point is as a Swedish citizen that America is a great country and the shining city on the hill. It influence the rest of the world though its economic power and diplomatic power backed by its military power.

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